
Drums of war are a warning that a war is about to begin? or maybe that a legion is about to strike. I've come to think lately of my dreams as indications of my internal status and my spiritual satisfaction, and whether I'm taking a good path or a rotten one.

Also I've come to think of dreams as choice providers, specially when there is an issue that you've prayed istikhara for and going along with it but you don't know yet whether this is good for you or not! An indicator they say is a dream about the issue that shows you whether it rings any alarms or is it a good thing, and you still have your choice. You may choose not to take it even if it is shown as a good thing for you, that's called free will, and everything happens according to a Divine plan I believe.

I don't like it when all of my dreams happen at night, at night inside the dream I mean. I love the dreams that happen in the morning light, specially if it is raining - like yesterday night. Last night I had a quite peculiar dream - and they all are - about my riding in the old car of a colleague at work that I don't like at all, we were going 90 to 100 kph, and I commented that her car could go up to that sort of speed, then we arrived somewhere on the nile, where there is that bridge that you go up to on stairs, and it was raining as i climbed down the stairs of the bridge. The nile was huge and everything around it was green, the air was fresh, and the person walking in front of me was wearing a black coat.

Dreams let out the steam, the tension, and the frustration that occurs because of the unfulfilled desires of the earthly mundane life I believe. Without them I could've been someone else, and I thank Allah for who I am, and for what He gave -and still constantly gives- me.

There are those dreams that occur frequently about a loving animal, a dog to be precise, where I cuddle him, pat him, and hug him, but he doesn't lick me and I never think about najasa in the dream! It is just that this dog's spiritual fingerprint is stamped in me, and sometimes I mistake that loving animal for someone I know in real life, his breath and closeness are recognized sometime when I hug a friend or something!

Ah! and the fact that when I dream of someone I HAVE to get any sort of contact with that person within a time period from that dream! One day I had a dream about an old schoolmate that I haven't seen for about 2 years, and I wake up to find a missed call from him on my phone! That seized to surprise me anymore.

I also dream about people before meeting them, at the places where they live, and I could describe them in detail the place they know, and the description is usually correct. That happened once that I could strongly recall, and it had a huge impact on my life!

I don't know, but I feel that I'm not supposed to disclose such information out to the public, but which public am I addressing I wonder. A friend or two, maybe also a stalker from the past? Yeah someone might be stalking me alright, thinking that I'm repeating the same crap over and over again to get some personal recognition from it. Allah knows what's in the hearts best anyway!

I have a dream alright! And that dream doesn't include involving myself in a form of life that I don't respect, nor accept!

I need to get out of here urgently, so help me Allah!


sara said…
my dream is always flying.. here:

I haven't had it for a while now.. But it's my dream..

My dream is heaven.. heaven is my dream..

My dream is flying.. Flying is my dream..

My dream is a shadow.. A shadow is my dream..


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