Freedom of Choice? Umm.. maybe!


Freedom of choice is a gum in everybody's mouth now, people just talking about it without pretty much making any use of it. As a matter of fact, we don't 100% live by that concept because there are things that we do not much have the choice in, and those things cannot be named or placed under a certain category, because everything has both concepts embedded into them and let's think about it together.

You come to choose things you do, given the things that happen to you. You don't choose the things that happen to you most of the time, but you choose what to do all the time. Also, you don't choose what you feel most of the time, but you choose what to do about how you feel all of the time. From that point we could begine to conclude some things based on preconcieved prinicpals, and from those very important pricipals is the rule that states "Nothing happens by chance, and there is a divine plan in everything happening".. Here I ask 'Happening to who?', and answer 'To you or to anyone else, and comes to your knowlege'.

So the things that happen to you and you did not choose, happened to you for a reason, same as to the kind of knowlege you gain, or things that come to your knowlege, same also with the things you feel. All of the things stated here happen for a reason. So when those things happen, best thing is to just stop doing any actions (not recommended in a selected number of situations) and just try to think clearly and honestly, why do you think that happened to you (and it depends on what you expect from God), and then what are you going to do about it?

People with faith, will always say that everything happening to us is in our best interest, and they try to practice it, but practicing it is one of the toughest things to acquire in this life. And that motto does not work with alot of people, but it doesn't mean we should stop thinking that way. How do you know if you really do practice it or not? When you ask for it you know you will get it, simply because you cared enough to ask for it, whilst knowing that this is the way we should be living, in total confidence in God and His plans for us.

But what about when you feel hurt about it? When you have doubts that this is the best choice for you (You think so as a life practice and as a faith), what do you do? I mean you want something so bad but it doesn't go as you wished, and you feel bad about it, but your faith still reminds you that whatever happens is for your best interest, remeber when so and so happened? What were you thinking back then and what are you thinking now? So it clears up a little bit, but still the pain is there, it is still fresh in your heart, and you feel hurt for departing a certain wish, this is what it is, you don't feel bad for departing a job opportuniy, or a car, or a person, but you depart an image of happiness you created in your head, and this is what hurts you not anything else.

This feeling is inevitable, for some people it remains for no more than the hour of knowlege that this thing is not your cup of tea, and for others it changes their lives, most of the time to the worse not to the better, and most people with Faith call this thing "Lack of faith". What to do to shorten the lifetime of this feeling? Ask for it, from Him who controls the hearts, and Him who made your heart fall for this issue in the first place. Just know that nothing comes in an overnight, if you believe then you will have patience till your heart is okay with whatever happens, and once you really feel that, you will get your heart upgrade to the next version, to alter you vision and reflect more about what happens to you and to others, to learn the maximum from everything and everyone around you.

This is nothing but a mere effort to remind myself before anyone else.

Everything happening to us has a reason, and it happens for our best interest.


Anonymous said…
do agree..

and i dun think that anyone could ever deny the saying: "Everything happening to us has a reason, and it happens for our best interest.
" none would say "No, i don't believe in this" but, the real challenge is to make our hearts believe in it too, not only admitting how true and wise it is.. cuz when it comes to heart then u act according to what ur heart believes in.. ur faith will be true
Amy said…
Oh I can deny it, you bet I can deny it. When you see someone lose faith because of something that happened--how can you say it's in their best interest? When it turns them away from God, away from faith, away from family and away from hope, how is it in their best interest? If they never return, they lose in this life and they lose in the next. But is that about happenstance, or is that about choices? Life is hard but it's hard for everyone.

I won't buy that feelings "just happen," either. Inevitably they result from happenings, and from choices. They are at the most basic level actions and not reactions. So do feelings happen for a reason? No, they don't just happen because you choose them, as a result of your actions. You choose how to feel about the things which happen to you.

If you don't get your way you can choose to feel bad but that's not incumbent on you. You can also choose to feel grateful that something better is on the way--certainly if you subscribe to the philosophy that everything is in your best interest. But there are other things to feel--anxiety, confusion--especially if you can't even figure out what is happening.

And knowing you'll get what you asked for isn't the same as getting what you asked for, especially if you're asking for feelings. Because as I said, feelings are choices and there is freedom of choice when it comes to emotion. But feelings are and result from actions, actions shouldn't depend on feelings--that is depending on yourself. And nobody named you As-Samad.
Gold said…
This simply totally denies the concept of sub-conscience, and that absolutely everything we do and feel are results of our choices and we know it, which is not fair, because we cannot choose everything all of the time. We cannot choose to like or dislike a certian type of food because, it just happens that i taste it and hate it! I can't say "wow it tastes awful, but i will choose to like it because i can make that choice".. no, some things are out of our hands and are God's planning..

The problem with this way of thinking is because those who do bad say that this is part of God's plan, and well, i was not talking about them.. I was simply talking about faith.. bottomline is : If you feel confused or sad or whatever, u know who to turn to for guidance.. that's it!

And God is where his servant expects Him to be..


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