
What exactly is right? I can't tell! All I can say is that there is "Good", and then there is "Bad", then in the middle there are two strange multi-colored realms: The Realm of the Better, and the Realm of the Worse.

I don't think there is anyone on the face of this earth that can be absolutely "Good", and I doubt that there are people who are absolutely "Bad" unless they have made the wrong choices for a very long time. That amount of time is only known to the Creator who has created every person for what he/she is precisely.

Sometimes one might overload himself with the burdens of a Globe, as if he is responsible for the pains of the universe, taking into account that he might be the one responsible for easing it up for Millions, thus thinking that the way my life has become is not at all what I am supposed to be living, my mundane activities seem so small in my eyes to the extent of me wanting take the nearest exit to somewhere else, or inside the body of someone else that isn't me, and here the question is being answered by the same speculation: It isn't me!

From what history had taught us: is that people who run after responsibility are rarely the ones who are most worthy of it, no matter how competent they think they might be. For that thought I've come to understand that one is being 'cooked' if I might say for a certain responsibility. Once baked and ready the responsibility WILL BE placed upon his shoulder in due time, given that he still believes he can do it yet has a lot of comments on himself in the constructive way, not the other way around.

At a certain point of time I thought in the hasty way of responsibility, all theoretical, and placed myself in the cage of him who is the next big thing, and found out that no leader of barely a small army of ants is gaining the experience of leadership through staring at the bars of a cage, on the contrary, every step taken outside the cage is a chance to learn, is an exposure to the fire, so that one is on his way to being cooked and baked, preparing himself to be consumed in whatever his cause is.

Transition is painful, and letting go of the cage has its bad effect. To tell you the truth: once one is out there, he detests the cage, and thinks no more than himself either "has been" delusional, or is on his way to becoming someone of the "worse" side of the coin. Multiple occurrences of the ill-tempered conscience pain kicks in, in an attempt to inform you that you should lose hope on becoming anything in particular, or that you should take your heavy self back to the cage and remain there for the rest of your life.

And there is one other thing that needs to be mentioned here: A human being could be viewed as an electric circuit. Every healthy electric circuit has a ground, to discharge. What can be viewed to some as a trivial activity compared to what people are experiencing in other parts of the Globe could simply be an essential activity for the mental and spiritual health of me, or any other individual lucky enough to have food, shelter, and enough self perseverance.

Everything that is within our ability to accomplish, is a priority. Otherwise, we can do nothing but pray, and hope for the best.


sara said…
I went through this phase & well, YOU ARE RIGHT.. Instead of carrying that which is soooooo heavy & drowning ourselves, we should rather take a deep breath, roll our sleeves up, & get the party started..

I can't write & express better than the lyrics of this song:
Simon explained how it is like being on the edge, & I'd prefer being anywhere else but there..

Thank you :)
Gold said…
You are Most welcome

The edge.. yeah, and so did Iron Maiden..

The Evil That Men do:

"Living on a Razor's edge,
Balancing on the Ledge

The Evil that men do lives on and on"

Take a deep breath, roll the sleeves up, and then exhale :))

Don't u ever forget to exhale!

Anonymous said…
Ohlala :)!Here we meet again,you Gold,Sara and me...Sara has a song for you and I have a poem for you...yes...Sara and me think in the same way ;)!Thus I will return back and comment on this as soon as I will find the English translation of the poem I want you to read.I read your post very carefully and as always it gave me a lot to think of.
In the meanwhile let me wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR :)...with sleevs up!
Anonymous said…
good god, you are king

he is sin

begin king

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