Been a Long time!

and I kept on reading who I was, which reminds me of who I really am.

Definitely I've changed in great ways, but the backbone is still the same I presume. Still analytical, observant, and a smart ass who has his comments on almost every aspect of life. I can't seem to count the number of theories that I come up with on daily basis, and I seem to forget most of them, and some of them are even born on conversations.

Wow! It is good that I remembered ever having a blog in the first place.

God has been good to me, all thanks to Him! Being a happy husband and a father soon enough inshaAllah is proving to be quite a stereotype-breaker at my delight. Oh yes I LOVE breaking stereo-types, but this sure has it's negative side.

Having a torch in a village that got used to darkness is for sure gonna turn some eyes upon you, some in curiosity, some smile happily for the light that you might be utilizing for your own good, and others might look in envy, for they have tried and tried to own a torch but they never seem to get to use it the same manner you do.

There is an theory that I'd like to reflect upon, but I'm yet to see it practiced fully. Some people might struggle and keep on struggling for a purpose in life that leads them to happiness. They look around and they see people jut like them, and then they see people who have a purpose in life, who are giving it their utmost attention, and are actually contented with little frustration and minimum complexes that makes their lives take dark unfamiliar exits frequently.

So the Observers start thinking that happiness is not their cup of tea, that this version of having a purpose in life doesn't fit them, so they start doing other things in an attempt to grasp a handful of smiles, and I don't blame them, but I blame those who haven't taught them how to 'make' their own version of a life and be proud of it, yet humble when it comes to thinking about Who gave it to them.

Or maybe I'm mistaken about them, and there is some series of lousy choices they have taken that denies them that purpose they've been looking for.

Bottom-line is: You can never judge a person who feels sad or is in some sort of a deadlock, as you don't know every single detail of what is going on inside of him. Yes blame him when he is too loud and making a fool of himself, blame him when he starts judging others out loud like an imbecile, blame him when he starts jabbering about how those happy people are all imposters and that there is no true love.

Yet, be sure that they are missing something, because there is a way out of any tight situation, and the simplest way of them all is having hope. Not everyone is resourceful enough to sit, think, analyze, and come up with a first step towards a solution, but believe me, the source of the problem lies within that fact that very few people are aware of their flaws, and really do admit them.

So brothers and sisters, have hope in a better future, know your flaws, admit them, then know what makes you better, and hug it for the rest of your life.


Anonymous said…
It's a pitty you don't blog anymore.I hope you're fine and that you're enjoying being a father :)...
Gold said…
Sis, you don't know how many things I can write about, and how many things I think about daily, especially that I've moved from my home country and deal with many different cultures here..

All I can say is Alhamdulillah for everything, with a special Dedication to Ismail my son, Allah's gift for us.

I will start blogging again inshaAllah really soon, I will cut down the Xbox time a little and share my thoughts again in here..

How have you been doing? :-)
Anonymous said…
Salam Gold :),
I'm sorry,I saw your reply only now.
Blessed be your son :)!It must be so exciting to have a child.
I'm doing fine.If you have time you can pass a bit by my blog...
Have a good week.Greetings!
Anonymous said…
Happy year 2014 to you and your family :)!

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