Young Grand Fathers

No doubt about it!

As a matter of fact there are recent developments in the psych of "People in my Range", that are said to have certain reasons. The reasons are the recent development of "Choices" in people's lives, starting from the Fifties of the Twentieth century on.

I don't want to sound harsh, dark, or pessimistic, but all I will do is just provide my small Point of View upon what's going on around us all, that make a very small portion of people with full-hearted smiles on their faces.

I've recently heard someone saying that people don't have patience anymore. All they want is just to grab what they can and grow instantly without taking much time in taking the "Known" steps of development. The reasons beyond that is the fast-paced life that we're undergoing now, that provides too much options for the individual at the same time, that guarantee the availability of a large number of "things to enjoy" at the same time.

Those "things to enjoy" could vary from an expensive device to scratch your back, up to the satisfaction that comes from climbing the social ladder through a Mercedes Benz, or a nice house by the Sea.

It is noticeable that things in other people's hands are moving the other people to wanting those same things, so the activities that govern the way society is right now is a simple reaction to people owning things, and other people wanting to own the same, so as not to be deprived of the luxuries of the world.

The thing that in turn makes humanity in a rabid quest for what is seen, what is tangible, like molecules of boiling water colliding rapidly with each other, making a load of noise while at it.

I get kind of lost when thinking who to blame? The thing is, I don't see that what is going on is right, because simply doing the right thing makes people happy, or should make them happy, but reality is quite different. Definitely there is someone to blame here, specially inside my society. Elderlies blame the young for being so hasty and want to do things fast, while at the same time the young blame the elderlies for being too non-understanding, because they do not live in our times, and they don't find the same difficulties we are finding while trying to build a life on our own.

Why do the youth have too much career changes in very little time? Why do they always follow the scent of a fast load of money?

A couple of paragraphs ago I mentioned something called: "The Known Steps of Development", and the real question is "Known to who? according to which standards?". What it takes to build a life these days is not the same thing that was required 20 years ago for instance, so, people changed, and the tools for building (if you can call it building in the first place) are either not given, or are actually the wrong tools, mistaken for "what it takes to go forward" and are actually tools for going back. Why do I say so? People are depressed.

We are a very unique and complex generation I believe. We are facing a long list of challenges and problems that resemble a snake eating its tail, and we come to think that only those who are fortunate carry on with their lives in a somewhat flexible fashion, while others struggle too much to gather what are the bare necessities of life.

Wise people would barge in and say "Yes we CAN!", you make your own life with what you have, just DO IT!!

The negative response is a resultant of one of two things: Number One: The gathering of a series of psychological complexes from childhood till mid-life, that we stumble upon while trying to seek ourselves enough motivation and energy to destroy the rocks that block our way of development. Number Two: We don't see that it is worth it! I should have those things in the first place, so I'm not gonna do all that effort just to be a human being, while feeling much less than a human being in "the quest".

Answers we seek, yet we only dive in the struggles of our mundane life, seeking dreams that seem so far away, taking reluctant steps as we are not guaranteed fulfilling them, so in fear, so worried, thinking about a lot of things at the same time, which makes us a generation of Grand Parents before we even attempt to become parents.

So Help Us God..


Anonymous said…
Assalamu alaikum Gold :o),

it has been some time now since I wanted to read this post.The title is very appealing and what I read does not stend behind.All what you write is very true,but I do not know what I should really say.Such are the times we live in!To stop and take time would not be the right answer,because I think than one would just be overcome by others.Yes,people like you,Sara and me would not go over the others,but what about the rest.To persist is also not the right answer.But,what is then the right thing to do?Boh,I do not know...maybe the answer is just to live and make our best to understand ourselves and the world around us.
I am looking forward to read another post of yours,but in the meanwhile I wish you all good and more :).

May Allah give you joy!
Anonymous said… the way the name has changed,but I'm the old Natashaamina ;)!
Gold said…
Oh Dear sis,

It is always great to read your comments on my humble posts.

You are correct I believe, too much thinking of "change" will only blind us from handling what we should do to go forward with ourselves in a way, yet not forget about others as well.

But that's another post ;)

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