Static and Dynamic
There is a great difference between a static web-page and a dynamic one. In static web pages you don't do anything but watch, or receive the information displayed on a certain form, and then you don't get to do anything with it, just view, store, and Bob's your uncle. On dynamic web-pages though, there are certain resources that you have - Very similar in nature to the ones on the static web page - that you can react with, give and take, provide information based on your understanding of what you could see on the rest of the content displayed. I could see in my own culture what I could call "Static Raising" of the offspring's in general, both the males who are supposed to be the leaders of the future, and the females who are supposed to be providers of the future leaders, but what actually happens is the effects of the "Static" form of providing information to the people who will start dealing with the givens of this life in the future, and the one...