Random waiting-room banter

Amazing how one could just spend a few hours thinking about absolutely nothing, and once the mind kicks back in action the preceding moments are discarded as if they never happened, I am in a waiting room right now watching a TV program from Lebanon, a sort of "good morning beautiful life" sort of program, in which nothing is bad in this world, and everybody is healthy, beautiful, and rich, and life is all to be enjoyed to the maximum, switching from "Yo Lebanese people living abroad we are proud of you and your achievements but we wish you could come back home one day to this Beautiful home of yours", to the "beautiful month of September - and it is September 11th btw today - that means good starts and good endings" (!), then to the fashion designer interview talking about how his new collection is inspired by the Roman period, showing the beauty of the woman to then end of that nonsense.

With all do respect to the Lebanese people, I was about to faint, from the looks of the fashion designer - male btw - to the talk the two plastic artificial interviewees gave him, starting from a "are you a fashion designer or a body builder?" compliment, to the talk about how the Roman style of clothing is more beautiful than this beautiful month of September and the flowers and the birds and all that beautiful beauty of a beautiful sweet talk. I was thinking that maybe flowers and colorful birds will start to emerge from the mouths of the people talking! Add to that the heavy Lebanese accent in the Arabic that adds a flavor of sweetness to every word said, Gosh I felt pretty just listening to them talk.

Now the Egyptian guys around got tired of being teased by the artificial hot-ness of the hostesses - which they didn't mind one bit - but when they saw the fashion designer and felt the conversation was taking the women's magazine's turn, someone fetched a remote and they all agreed that this is enough we have to watch something else before we suffer from a high-end heart disease that could make us all place a flower in our hair and start stopping by lady-clothing shops admiring how the beautiful silk'n'satan shows the beautiful curves of a woman's waste (pun intended).

Yeah i wanna feel sarcastic today.

Anyways, I wasn't thinking at all before this program starts, and I felt that a blank moment of mind-silence kicked in, leaving a gap of time between it and the last time my mind was actually working, which was yesterday actually, while talking to someone about relationships and what happens into them, specially when they take the "engagement" phase, and I can't tell you the number of ideas and calculations that kept rolling into my head, together with references to examples I see around me everyday, I think I might be right in most of my ideas, but then again I could be wrong, and my ideas are nothing more than my ideas, hunches, thoughts and feelings are how they are formed, with a little spice of experience that might make them worthwhile.

My fiancee and I went on talking about the same thing yesterday as well, and the most influential part of it was how the cliches of Egyptian life affect the relationships big time, and she corrected me actually on a couple of ideas - or lets say judgments - I had about women who would like to marry a rich husband, but lets talk about that later. From the most annoying and ridiculous cliches the Egyptian guy does while being engaged is the following:

- Once he gets engaged no one sees him and he never answers his mobile specially if the number calling is not listed.
- He is constantly complaining and calling marriage some sort of a "cage" or "prison" or something.
- Absolutely no one sees his fiancee no matter what the reasons are, and if he accidentally runs into someone he knows while out in the mall with her, he becomes brief and keeps eliminating any chances of the friend to greet her (!), doesn't introduce her and doesn't expect his friend to introduce his fiancee (!)
- If his friends are blessed by his presence on an outing, there MUST be a moment when he receives a call, answers looking embarrassed, retreats to a corner and talks as if he is talking to his father after wrecking his (father's) car (!)

This is all for engaged guys, haven't started on the married ones yet, but lets just not let you all down and discourage you from the idea of marriage, but anyways there seems to be a HUGE misunderstanding of what an engagement is and what marriage looks like in the real world, don't know what the source of that is! Maybe it comes from improper raising that comes from a misunderstanding of the priorities of life initially, maybe it also came from cultural matters that people got used to after years and years of living without values that have solid references, values that emerged through the years encouraged by psychological drives of the society at certain times or during certain crises.

But I am absolutely sure that a good portion of that misunderstanding was generated by the same inexperiences mis-guided minds that generated the law "If your friend in high-school is in a fight then you have to fight with him even if you get beaten to death" and "ignore the chick she loves you, love the chick she ignores you", such laws that were followed as if they are a divine revelation, and the same people who follow them are ecstatic about it simply because they were able to generate an idea, follow it, and find that it works (simply because everybody follows it). Well that could be called "the culture of a generation", and my generation to tell you the truth is totally messed up, my generation wasn't guided correctly, and it efficiently practiced that misguidance to a great extent, in addition to the influence(s) that strike on the sensitive joints all the time, the result is a huge misunderstanding of what life means, what its priorities are, and eventually what should be DONE in life.

Rich or not rich, and Egyptian male has either or al of the attributes: worthless amoral irresponsible lost whiner, except those who've had great huge collossal efforts done at home to bring them up otherwise. The mis-interpretation of the Male's responsibilities at home made those who raise him think that he is the king of queens, the supreme ruler, so he should be given everything even if he doesn't ask for it, which made him feel that everything WILL come effortlessly, from the toys, to the bicycle, to education, to the car, to the job, to the money, to the wife. So for the Egyptian male, instead of occupying the mind with the responsibilities, the mind is generating and living the mis-guided generation's culture, simply because the mind could afford wandering this empty road, filling it up with whatever, and totally missing out on the responsibility part of it. Once a responsibility is carried it feels so heavy after YEARS of carrying nothing. Currently, the girls are able to carry much more than the guys, society it having a facelift, a shape-shift, and the roles are switching to a great extent.

But then again, NOT ALL, there are a lot of good examples out there, but they are witnesses upon the bad examples on the day of judgment, you saw a good example so you have no excuse to follow the rest of the herd, eh?

Have a beautiful Roman day!


Unknown said…
Maybe this is because we are ag generation who mainly got raised by themselves rather than their parents. This puts a heck of loads on the process of building which can make it good or bad according to the circumstances and to what I can call life-variables. Life-variables can positive or negative in the terms of the equation of life, ending in good or bad results.

Also another thing, the variables here are relative, good for you is bad for another, which makes it very hard actually.

Anyway good luck, and kol sana wenta tayeb :).
sara said…
Well, it's sad.. WAllahi very sad..

I pray that God's commandments would be our only guide.. Amen.

Wa kol sana we ehna liLlah aqrab.. Amen :)

With respect,
Myxa said…
Hey dude,
Reading your article, I must say "We do live a life of cliches" and the worst part about it, we want to prove them true.

Generally speaking, it is the "shayef A7mad beyesma3 el-kalam ezzay?" concept and "eshrab el-laban 3ashan a7ebak" that would cause such problems you mentioned here.

One should think and do things for himself rather to please others.

Well said ya Abdo, just don't get too emotional :P hehehe.

SunShine said…
tht's really...alot =D

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