Young Grand Fathers
No doubt about it! As a matter of fact there are recent developments in the psych of "People in my Range", that are said to have certain reasons. The reasons are the recent development of "Choices" in people's lives, starting from the Fifties of the Twentieth century on. I don't want to sound harsh, dark, or pessimistic, but all I will do is just provide my small Point of View upon what's going on around us all, that make a very small portion of people with full-hearted smiles on their faces. I've recently heard someone saying that people don't have patience anymore. All they want is just to grab what they can and grow instantly without taking much time in taking the "Known" steps of development. The reasons beyond that is the fast-paced life that we're undergoing now, that provides too much options for the individual at the same time, that guarantee the availability of a large number of "things to enjoy" at the same time....