Logic that needs no science
What bothers a simple "Humane" human being is that somehow most the so-called 'secular' efforts done to increase the standard of living of the world that has donkey carts on the road alongside a 2006 Mercedes Benz S-Class have tremendously failed, which leads us to think of injustice of wealth distribution which brings us to a totally different field of thought.. reasons.. Well reasons are numerous when we get into the details, but when outlooking the map of human reasoning we cannot find but one reason to let man do injustice to his fellow human regarding wealth, this one reason is greed. Now Humans HAVE made laws to be able to capture, judge, and punish those who take what is not their legal and legitimate right from the wealth of others.. After a quick glance around, it's not pretty much working! Normal uncontrolled human behaviour tends to seek benefit, some are trimmed according to the moral and ethical upbringing that allows them to revise the legitimacy of ...